Camilla was a cowgirl for Halloween this year. She was not wanting to get her picture taken. Plus she wasn't very excited about her costume. She probably would've been more excited about a princess one or something but I just can NOT get into the whole princess thing. I don't want a princess, I want a down to earth cowgirl! Some of the friends here have a carehome so went and visited them. Her little bucket was almost full! The old folks really enjoyed the kids and Camilla figured out right quick that she could have the candy. So the people would give her a piece and she would take one from them too! Ha. Anyway she still is a little young to understand it all but its all for the fun. That's what I appreciate about the holidays is just the fun in it all. Its fun to dress up and see other peoples costumes. Its fun to decorate for Christmas. Why can't people just relax about the holidays and have fun with it? Instead of worrying about what it all might mean. Oh barf....... Anyway was a happy Halloween and now onto Thanksgiving!! Woohooo I love this time of year..