Here's the funeral folder some of the family made.
Camilla grabbing Lila's bow off her head and just being silly after the funeral.
Our newest family addition, Clayson Higgs a cute little man!
I can't believe that Camilla is 2! Its hard for me to fathom that I have a 2 year old! We had a little birthday party for her Friday night. Last year on Feb 19 my Grandpa died and so the party I had planned was canceled, so this year almost a year to the day Great Grandma died and so I went humm now what? I didn't want to go her first 2 years with out a birthday party! So we had a little one and Mom and Dads and it turned out good. There was a lot of my Moms family there and my brother and his family and my sister Kara. So she still made out like a bandit and enjoyed her cake and presents!
Opening the guitar from her Daddy!
So next year around her Birthday if someone else dies, I think I will just start having her birthday in January or something! =)
An update on my Aunt Zerelda, the tumor was worse then they thought and now Dr.s say they won't be able to operate. So anyway as Great Grandma always used to say, "Getting old isn't for sissy's"