Yes, couponing!! I search everywhere for coupons! It is pretty exciting to use coupons. I saved 9 dollars the other day and no it's not much but still that was like getting a few of my items for free! Sweet! I have to admit it's because I watched this show called Extreme Couponing. I'm not anywhere NEAR what these crazy people are, but it still is kind of addicting. They spend 800-900$$ or more and only end up paying like 10$ which is really awesome, but they do spend lots of money on newspapers, ink for printing coupons and some pay for some company to send them coupons. But still, that is pretty awesome. Also most of these crazies have these huge stockpiles, for example enough toilet paper to last for 30 years! Or 100 bottles of mustard or something crazy like that! But they save a lot of money!
So send me your coupons! hahahaha, no but I would appreciate you telling me where you find your best coupons! :)