Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Friday, April 27, 2012

Daddy and babies

So thankful for this man! 

Growing like a weed!

My little boy's one month birthday has already came and gone!  He is growing so fast and his NB clothes are just about too small. Boo.  Not sure what his weight is today but last week (I think) he was 8-6.  So he's doing just fine.  My dear husband one day said something about baby on my boob and so Camilla caught right on to that. (Thanks Ian!)  Now when he cries Camilla says Mommy he wants on your boob. One day she was just sitting there and said boob boob, that is a funny word.  It sure is amazing what kids pick up on and remember.
Anyway I'm sure you all don't want to read this nonsense so on we go with the pictures.

For even more cuteness here are some videos of him new and now.

On a side note, my parents are visiting my sister right now and I'm pretty jealous.  Maybe they will sneak her home in their suitcase.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

New life

Our new family, our new life, it sure has changed! Gone are the days of just jumping up and going out, gone are the days of going to bed and actually sleeping :) Gone are the days of doing anything with both hands and arms! I know I know I'm not supposed to be holding him all the time. Well to that I say blah I'll hold him whenever I want! So niener niener! He is most likely my last baby and so I'll do whatever I want with him! :) Anyway our new life is so different but so awesome! Love hearing his little grunting and stretching noises, it takes him a while to wake up and he's very noisy about it! Even his little tooting noises are so cute! The other night he was in his pack and play next to our bed and all was quiet and then we hear these little farts! So cute, we both were cracking up! Camilla is doing pretty well adjusting to baby brother. I know she feels it but she is doing pretty good. She has said a few times that everyone is so excited about Keaton and now they aren't excited about me. But then she loves on her brother and is so happy to tell others about him. So the love is there, but it's a big change for her. After being an only child for 5 years it is a big adjustment.
There have been some changes with our work and now we are even busier then normal. Ian has been working non-stop. It's been 2 weeks now with no days off, so this Momma is feeling it!Glad for the extra money but not glad for the poor timing of it all. But still I am so glad that little guy is here and we are enjoying every minute!
2 cute kids!

Sunday best!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Babies don't keep

Cleaning and scrubbing can wait till tomorrow.
For babies grow up, we've learned to our sorrow.
So settle down cobwebs, dust go to sleep.
I'm rocking my baby and babies don't keep.
I saw this poem the other day and I feel the same way! Such a sweet thing to sit rocking a little baby to sleep. He of course does sleep a lot and it's hard for me to put him down! I know that he's going to grow up fast and that these days are so few! I think with Camilla I took for granted that there would be at least one more baby. So then when it took so long to get pregnant again and I was fearing that it wouldn't ever happen. I regretted not spending enough time or not breast feeding long enough or not remembering enough of her being a baby. She was a so called difficult baby, aLOT of crying (4-6 hours nightly) she didn't sleep well. Pretty much if she was awake she was crying! So I think that a lot of it was just a big sleep deprived blur! Now with this little guy, he is so different! Sleeps so good, only cries if he's hungry or doesn't want to be in his swing. Otherwise he just sleeps or if he's awake he just sits and looks around. It is so nice!
So who cares if the house isn't all the way clean, who cares if there is dishes in the sink. I'm rocking my baby and babies don't keep.